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Worship Services


Messiah conducts worship services on Saturday evenings at 6:30 p.m. and on Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. As an evangelical congregation Messiah’s main emphasis is on the good news of the Gospel of eternal salvation through Jesus Christ. A variety of worship settings are used. The text of our Scripture readings, liturgy, and hymns are conveniently projected, and are also provided in printed format. Hymns used to aid the worshiper are the enduring hymns of praise rich in Bible truths, as well as more recent hymns that are faithful to the Word of God.

During the festival season of the church year, such as Advent and Lent, midweek services are held on Wednesdays at 1:00 & 6:30 p.m. Messiah also observes the many traditional Christian festivals with special worship services.

To listen to or view the worship services online, click here.


(Service text and music reprinted and used by permission under OneLicense #A-718870, and by Concordia Publishing House, license #000013556.)