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Gatherings & Fellowship

God’s Kids Bible Camp

Our Annual God’s Kids Bible Camp provides a free camp experience for area children who otherwise may have little opportunity to learn about God’s Word. Information and registration for the upcoming camp can be found HERE.

Men’s Koffee Klatsch

The Koffee Klatsch is a group of men from Messiah who meet each Tuesday at a local restaurant for fellowship and fun over brunch. They also go golfing, bowling, or do other activities as their time and energy permit. The men also visit members who are not able to get out and about anymore. Pastor Naumann (715-864-3465, or can get you in touch with the group.

Messiah Mutual Support Group

The Messiah Mutual Support Group is made up of Messiah members who have been in successful recovery from substance or behavioral addictions, as well as those who are now struggling. With the powerful Word of God, and the support of fellow Christians, the Lord has given great hope and progress to many through this group since it first began to meet more than four years ago. Those who come can be assured of proper confidentiality. If you or someone you know may benefit from this program, please contact Pastor Bruce Naumann, by phone or text (715) 864-3465, or by email at, for more information.

Women’s Groups

Messiah has women’s groups that meet regularly for Bible study and fellowship with one another. These groups also assist the congregation in various ways as the need arises. They often work behind the scenes doing things like hymnal repair or replacement in the sanctuary, keeping the pastors gowns in good repair, sorting or repairing library books for the Messiah library, and many other miscellaneous services that are needed to keep our church functioning smoothly.

Group Outings

Messiah offers many group outings throughout the year for all ages. These might include camping trips, fishing trips, cross country skiing, bicycling, canoeing, and other forms of recreation that Christians can enjoy together. Please visit the Messiah Youth Group Facebook page HERE.